The Art Of Celebrating

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6 Tips And Tricks To Organizing Your Summer Closet

Summertime is around the corner, and it’s time for a closet refresh. This is the perfect time to put away your winter coats, boots, and heavy sweaters and bring out the bright summer dresses, statement earrings, sunglasses, scarves, and stunning sandals. While you may feel overwhelmed, we have some tips and tricks to make the transition smoother and less stressful.

  • Purge your closet. Starting with an empty closet will allow you to visualize your space better and see what you are working with.

  • Clean the closet itself. Make sure to vacuum, sweep, dust and wipe down shelves and drawers.

  • Sell or donate all the things you no longer wear. Start by making piles to keep track of all the clothes you want to keep, sell, or donate.

  • Organize items into specific categories and take inventory. Designate a section of the closet for each item (i.e., dresses, skirts, shirts, and pants), then hang the clothing into each section by color. If the vision is to create the rainbow effect, the colors should go in the following order: white, tan, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, gray and black. You can also organize your shoes by style (pumps, flats, wedges, sandals, and sneakers) and then color-coordinate.

  • You don't want to mix your winter/fall wardrobe with your spring/summer wardrobe, so store items that don't belong in that closet and make a note for the next season.

  • Remove unwanted items. Don't hang on to clothes or accessories with the possibility of wearing them in mind. Ask yourself Have I worn this dress or skirt in the last year? Does this blazer or jacket still fit? Do I really need five bracelets that look precisely the same?