Navigating the Holiday Season with That Flaky Friend: A Humorous Guide

Ah, the holidays! A time of cheer, festivities, and... dealing with that notoriously flaky friend. We all know someone who, despite their best intentions, always seems to bail on plans at the last minute. Or, let's face it, maybe you are that friend. Fear not! Here's a light-hearted guide to managing holiday plans with the flakiest of them all.

  • Set Realistic Expectations:

    If you're dealing with a serial plan-canceler, adjust your expectations. Invite them, but maybe don't hinge the entire evening on their attendance.

  • The Art of the Backup Plan:

    Always have a plan B. If they bail, it's movie night or an impromptu game evening with other friends.

  • Communicate Openly:

    If you're the flaky one, communication is key. Be honest about your commitments and likelihood of showing up.

READ: Mastering Holiday Party Etiquette: A Guest's Guide to Festive Gatherings

  • Embrace Flexibility:

    Flexibility is your best friend during the holidays. Be open to last-minute changes and go with the flow.

  • Consider Low-Commitment Gatherings:

    Opt for casual, drop-in style events where the pressure to attend is low for everyone.

  • Virtual Participation:

    Can't make it? Suggest a quick holiday greeting over video call to stay connected.

  • Humor is Your Ally:

    Remember, a sense of humor can diffuse disappointment. Joke about their 'ghosting' skills but balance it with understanding.

Whether you're dealing with or are the flaky friend, remember the holiday spirit is all about enjoying each other's company, in whatever form that takes. Keep things light, flexible, and full of cheer!


For more holiday tips and fun insights, don't forget to check out our other posts. Let's make this holiday season stress-free and full of laughter!

Akeshi Akinseye

Akeshi Akinseye is the founder and CEO of Kesh Events and is the leading expert in the wedding and event industry on all things celebrations.

She is widely regarded as One of the best Wedding planners in America by Brides, Top 5 wedding vendors in the world by WEDLUXE, top wedding planner in Chicago by PartySlate and more. 

Her insights and work have been featured in national publications like Brides, PartySlate, Modern Luxury Weddings, Inside Weddings, Yahoo, ESPN, New York Times etc and she appears regularly in media outlets like ABC, The Tribune and more.

She is the author of the best-selling book, The Art of Floral And Event Design” and founder and editor of celebrations and lifestyle magazine, The Art of Celebrating. Her creativity, keen eye, attention to detail and knack for perfection is what her clients love about her. She brings the art of creativity and personalization to every single event making her the best at what she does. Akeshi honors the individual styles of her clients and she continually strives to make every experience one to remember.

Host with Flair: Akeshi’s Essential Tips for an Unforgettable Holiday Party


Master the Art of Tablescaping: Akeshi Akinseye's Guide to Elegant Table Settings